211471, Витебская область, г.п.Россоны, ул.Комсомольская, 19








Humanitarian Project

Healthcare Institution

“Rossony Central District Hospital”

"Komfortnoe Prebyvanie" (Comfortable Stay)


1. Project Title: "KomfortnoePrebyvanie" (Comfortable Stay) for the Nursing Care Unit of the “Rossony Central District Hospital”

2. Project Duration: 2024 – 2026

3. Applicant Organization: “Rossony Central District Hospital,” Vitebsk Region

4. Project Objective: To enhance the living conditions of elderly patients and individuals with disabilities receiving inpatient care at the Nursing Care Unit of “Rossony Central District Hospital.”

The project aims to maximize the preservation and restoration of physical health and motor skills of patients with disabilities by implementing a comprehensive rehabilitation program. This will help reduce dependence on external assistance and enable each patient to adapt to living conditions in a familiar environment.

5. Project Implementation Tasks:

• Createthemostcomfortableconditionsforpatientsrequiringround-the-clockmedicalsupervisionandcare, whohaveimpairedmobilityandtheabilitytomove, toensureself-serviceandpersonalindependencebyacquiringadjustable bedsandbedsidetables.

• Facilitate independent movement within the ward and nursing care facility without external assistance, while promoting physical activity that meets the needs of elderly patients. This will be achieved by acquiring wheelchairs and mobility aids.

• Prevent and treat pressure sores, complications, and other conditions in bedridden patients with motor impairments, paralysis, or paresis, whichprolongtherecoverytimeandthedurationofmedicationtherapy,through the acquisition of anti-decubitus mattresses and support cushions.

•Restore lost motor functions and assist patients in returning to self-care activities.Comprehensive medical rehabilitation will be provided, including the use of mechanotherapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy techniques.

6. Target Group: Elderly patients and individuals with disabilities undergoing inpatient care at the Nursing Care Unit of “Rossony Central District Hospital.”

7. Summary of Project Activities:

1. Renovation of the Nursing Care Unit and the Physical Therapy Room at “Rossony Central District Hospital.”

2. Installation of a television in the common area to provide entertainment for patients.

3. Purchase of 20 laptops to enable patients to communicate with their relatives at any time.

4.Purchase of 20 electric beds with functional controls and mattresses made of polyurethane foam with water-resistant covers.

5. Purchase of soft furnishings, including 40 sets of bed linen, 40 towels, 40 nightgowns (shirts), 20 pillows, 20 blankets, and 4 storage bags.

6. Purchase of additional care equipment: 10 over-bed tables, 10 bedside tables, 20 bedside commodes, 3 bath seats, and 3 bathroom stools.

7. Purchase of 20 sets of adaptive tableware for patients with limited physical abilities.

8. Purchase of 20 positioning cushions; 10 cellular-type anti-decubitus mattresses; and 10 tubular-type anti-decubitus mattresses.

9. Purchase ofmobilityaids: 3 wheelchairs, 4 mobility aids with support handles, and 4 two-wheeled walkers.

10. Purchase ofrehabilitationequipment: handandlegtrainers, fingertrainers, rotarypedalexerciserwithloadregulator, mechanicalstationarybike, andrehabilitationmassageballs.

8. Total Project Budget (in US Dollars):

Source of funding

Funding amount (in US dollars): $77,100

Donor funds



To be determined through agreement

9. Project Location (Region/District, City): Vitebsk Region, Rossony.

10. Contact Person: Vitaly Yuryevich Zubik, Chief Medical Officer, “Rossony Central District Hospital”

Phone: +375 21595 12 34

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